
Awakening Democracy: The FPC Initiative (Rising to Defend Liberty and Justice)
At present, America is embroiled in an internal battle, a conflict of values, principles, and integrity that form the bedrock of our democracy. This war doesn't echo with the sounds of bombs or bullets, but resonates in the chambers of our political sphere, shaken by...
The Dark Side of Private Debt Investments: What They Don’t Tell You
Investors have been lured towards the promising prospects of private-credit interval...
The Frontier of Entrepreneurialism Guiding Our Nation Towards Prosperity and Principles
In recent times, America has seen an increased adoption of policies inspired by Marxist...
Profiting from the NFT Revolution: A Comprehensive Guide for Investors
As an experienced NFT investor, I have seen the explosive growth of non-fungible tokens...
Step Up Your Game, Increase Your Profit and Knock it Out of the Ball Park
As an experienced veteran in the vocational for-profit higher education marketplace, I...
The Road to Tyranny
Forward by Ziad K. Abdelnour - Founder & Chairman; Financial Policy Council and President & CEO Blackhawk Partners Partly in adherence to...
From Crisis to Opportunity: Transforming America’s Economy for the 21st Century
As Erich Fromm wrote, “Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve.” Today, we face new and complex...
What Ever Happened to Class! Just Say: I AM SORRY! Let’s work together for the Glory of America!
To say "I AM SORRY" means to express remorse or regret for something you have done or failed to do that has caused harm, hurt, or inconvenience to...